
The Anspaugh line - the German in me

     As we look at the Anspaugh's as our ancestors we need to look at one aspect.  The knowledge we have of Grampa Andpaugh, Fred Anspaugh, is that he was adopted.  In the 1910 census he was listed as Benjamin Franklin Anspaugh's grandson and in the 1920 census Fred was listed as a son.  That is all we would know about him, but thanks to DNA testing we can learn more.  Apparently Benjamin Anspaugh's daughter Margaret Anspaugh was married for a short time to Walter Horace Lyons, but the marriage was annulled.  But with that information and DNA we can see that I have matching DNA with the Lyon family.  William John Lyon was born around 1555 in London England.  His descendent also named William Lyon born around 1620 was born in London England and them moved to Roxbury Massachusetts at age 14 on the ship Hopewell.  Williams's descendent Walter Horace Lyons had the brief marriage with Margaret Anspagh in 1907.  Grampa Fred Lee Anspaugh was born January 26, 1908 in Altona Michigan.

    Back to the Anspaugh line.  Hans Jacob Anspach (Anspach being the spelling at the time) was born November 26, 1640 in Frankfurt, Germany.  Hans Anspach  had a son and named him Johannas Balthasar Anspach and he was born August 26, 1683 in Frankfurt, Germany.  

    Johannas moved to New York in 1710 and later moved to Tulpehocken, Pennsylvania in 1723.  Johannas married Anna Marie Rieth from Germany and they had Johannas Anspach September 26, 1721.  Johannas Anspach married Anna Elizabeth Fischer.  

    Johannas and Anna's grandson Benjamin B. Anspaugh born  August 16, 1783 was the first recording of the Anspach name being spelled Anspaugh.  Benjamin B Anspaugh moved to Perry Ohio where his son Jacob W. Anspaugh was born in 1819.

    Jacob's son Benjamin Franklin Anspaugh born January 18, 1850 moved to Michigan where his daughter Margaret was born June of 1884.  

    Margaret had a brief marriage with Walter Horace (Harry) Lyons according to my DNA matches.  From that brief marriage my grandfather Fred Lee Anspaugh (taking on the adopted and mother's name).  Fred Lee Anspaugh born in Michigan January 26, 1908 married Pauline Elizabeth Austin.  

    It would be interesting for me to learn how Grammie (Pauline Austin born in Sanford, Maine) met Grampa (Fred Anspaugh born in Michigan).  They married in Ohio and their daughter Pauline Elizabeth Anspaugh (my mom) born May 28, 1930 was born in Detroit, Michigan.  

    During the 1947 Fire in Maine when the men were all fighting the wild fire and the ladies were bringing the men food and water, my Dad (James Edward Andrews Jr born 1923) met my mom (Pauline Elizabeth Anspaugh) and were married in 1948.  James Edward Andrews Jr was an only child and he and Pauline (mom) had 10 children, James Andrews III, Fred Andrews, Dennis Andrews, Jennie Andrews, George Andrews, William Andrews, Richard Andrews, Eddie Andrews, Andrew Andrews, and me Benjamin Andrews.

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